UNIT 3: Related Topics

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While there standard codes for uniform apparel, there certain protective clothing and issues related to it that will be in the following:
– Remember, never climb under, or place under, yourself or any part of you under a load that is not at least secured in two or more ways. There is not any clothing to protect you in case a vehicle falls on you.
– Be sure to wear boots with steel toes and rubber soles to protect your feet from falling objects and from electrical current
– Protective goggle and glasses could save eye from injury
– Remember always check your inspection sheet and make sure that there are two different types of gloves which are (a) working gloves for handling of chains, bars, and anything else that could injury your hands and (b) latex glove in case you have an incident in which you are exposure to body fluids.

F. Driving skills:
Driving too fast is a major cause of fatal crashes. You must always regulate your speed to fit the driving condition. Drivers must adjust their speed for curves in the road. If you take a curve too fast, two things may happen to your vehicle:
– you may skid off the road because the tires lose traction
– your vehicle may roll over if the wheels maintain their traction
– Slow down to a safe speed before you enter a curve. Using your brakes in a curve could cause you to go into a skid.
– There are three things that add up to the total stopping distance which are:

Total stopping distance = perception distance + reaction distance + braking distance

Here is the definition of each concept:

Perception distance is the distance your vehicle travels from the time your eyes see a hazard to the time your brain recognizes it. Another hand, this is the time or distance that is needed to recognize danger.

Reaction distance is the distance traveled from the time your brain sends a message to your foot to push the brake. Or, it is the time or distance is needed to step off the accelerator and apply the brake.

Braking distance is the distance it takes to stop after the brakes are applied

Lastly, total stopping distance is the sum of perception distance, reaction distance and braking distance. Higher speed increases total stopping distance greatly. An example is that whenever speed is doubled, it takes up to 4 times as long to stop and your vehicle will have four times the destructive power if it crashes.

The most important issues in driving is to be aware of your surroundings at all times. This means that a tow truck driver needs to know what to do in adverse and normal traffic conditions.

Additional driving skills

The first thing that a tow truck driver, or any driver, should do is to adjust your seat and put on your seat belt. Being comfortable when driving, especially for long distances, makes for a safer driver. Always drive with both hands on the steering wheel. Never try to eat and drive at the same time. Don’t drink alcohol and drive. Keep looking in different directions in order avoid being hypnotized by only looking forward. Always remember that you are not the only driver on the road.

In summary:
• sit in a comfortable position
• wear your seat belt
• both hands on the steering wheel
• don’t eat and drive
• don’t drink and drive
• always look in different directions

Drivers are often unaware of the amount space around their vehicle, particularly the area in front of them. It very important to keep the correct amount of space between your truck and vehicle that is ahead of you. A good rule of thumb is to keep four seconds of time between your vehicle, and the one in front. You can do this by watching the vehicle go by a fixed point, and counting off the seconds. If four or more go by, then you are traveling behind at a safe distance.

Also be aware of traffic to the side and back of you. Be sure that your mirrors are adjusted properly, so that you can see all the traffic. You don’t want to become a statistic. You may have to swerve to the left or right if a vehicle or other obstruction comes into your path. If you have to change lanes or turn, always signal your intentions to the drivers around your truck. Using your mirrors is all important for this maneuver.

Safety tips:
– be aware of the space around your truck
– maintain proper mirror adjustment
– maintain the four second space
– do not forget traffic behind and on the sides
– always signal any turns or lane changes

If you are towing a vehicle, be sure your emergency lights are on. This will alert other drivers to the situation, and they should respond with caution. Remember that you’re stopping and reaction times will be slowed if you are towing a vehicle. Remember also, that your vision will be lessened while you are towing vehicles. When towing, you need to keep more distance between your truck and other vehicles in front of you, because your braking distance will increase due to the added weight of both vehicles. And to reiterate when braking, you need to remember that first, you will become aware of the fact of stopping, second, you will put your foot on the brake pedal, and third, you will be applying brake your truck. Those three things are generally known as, perception, reaction, and braking distances, and added all together, become your total stopping distance.

Driving at night requires even more caution. You cannot see as far at night, there will be more glare, and it will be worsened by wet conditions. Oncoming traffic will have their lights on, thereby compounding visual difficulties. There could also be debris in the road that is harder to see in the dark. Many drivers are more tired at night, thereby reducing reflexes and reaction times. Tow truck drivers will also experience drunken drivers at night. Night driving is common for tow truck drivers, so they need to take extra caution when driving at night.

Safety tips for nighttime drivers:
– emergency lights on when towing
– your reaction times are slowed, when towing
– perception, reaction, & braking distance = total stopping
– total stopping distance increases, when towing
– night driving compounds reaction times
– most drivers are more tired at night